
Summary of business
For 25 years Visiontech has offered services in the business of RemoteSensing using data from observational satellites by providing the data,and analyzing the data for customers. We provide data analysis systemsincluding Geographic Information Systems, processed products. In recentyears we have expanded the business of exploiting satellite and airborneimagery in a variety of disciplines, including agriculture, UAV, data receptionfrom satellites, and a variety of advanced image processing solutions.We pride ourselves in taking advantage of advanced technologies.
Company name
VisionTech Incorporated (VTI)
President and CEO
Yoshiharu Yamamoto
2-1-16 Umezono, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken 305-0045, Japan
Number of empoloyees
20 (incl. 4 PhDs )
Founded and incorporated
September 2, 1997
Paid-in capital
JPY20 million



1997 September 2
VisionTech founded as a company specializing in satellite-basedremote-sensing technologies.
1998 August
Paid-in capital increased to present JPY20 million.
2001 May
Certificate of appreciation presented by Japan Remote SensingSociety.
2003 April
VTI Research Institute inaugurated.
2003 May
Venture Consortium inaugurated.
2003 July
Finland VTI founded with a liaison person stationed in finland.
2005 June
Performance awards presented by Advanced Marine Science and Technology Society.
2006 May
US Liaison Office inaugurated.
2006 November
Australia VTI R&D branch inaugurated.
2008 May
In the 2007 fiscal year, ALOS data excellent distributor prize is won by The Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan
2011 May
Certificate of appreciation presented by Japan Remote SensingSociety.
2017 June
Tottori branch office opened