Data collection

We provide satellite data, digital map data, weather data, and other data. We also process and analyze data according to clients’ request.

SPOT VEGETATION NDVI 10 day MVC NRF processing data collectionay

  • Our originally developed NRF (Noise Reduction Filter) Algorithm removes periodic noise and cloud influence. NRF Algorithm has been tested and evaluated on SPOT VETATION 10 day MVC. Vegetation cycle is expressed in a smooth line in a graph. Extracting phenology trend from each pixel is available. Multi year processed data shows averaged phenology and single year processed data is an extract date reflecting characteristic of each year.

Image set of the Earth

Composite Animation created by ARC Science using NASA & NOAA data showing images of the Earth including. It is available with/without clouds images, and a resolution is from 1.1km~32km per pixel. Images composed of DMSP/OLS data or seafloor relief are also available upon request.